July 29 meeting notes

Next Meeting

Tuesday, August 10th - 5pm
Atwater Library (1200 Avenue Atwater)

July 29th, 2010 Meeting Minutes

Date: July 29 2010
Attended by: Andrea, Tania, Robin

Brainstorming Meeting!

What does the big Rad Ref do?

IL for community groups
Reference for the Rad Ref website
Demo specific ref services - what does this actually look like? Andrea will
follow up with NY folks

What are we most interested in?
-reference for mtl folks
-IL for mtl groups
-demo specific stuff!

If we made a mtl website what would it include?
-ref question page
-virtual reference shelf

-start working on one as a google doc, and then really hash it out in person at
the next meeting (where there will hopefully be more people)
-mandate will give us a framework by which we will focus what type of IL and
ref we work on (id. social justice focused)
-Robin to set up google doc, look into what the RR website says with regards to

Future thoughts and ideas
-once we've sorted ourselves out a little we should link to CURE website,
connect with dira, etc
- " " we could consider becoming a working group

Frequency of meetings and general knowledge building
-We need to learn more about what rad ref is and how it has been done before!!
- Each of us at the meeting (and whoever else wants to)will choose an article
from the RR website, read and prep a summary to share with the group
-we will meet every two weeks
-we want to generate more interest, Andrea is going to create a listserv for
folks who might be interested in getting involved

NEXT MEETING tbd. the week of the 9th of august 2010.