Answer: Backgrounder on NAB

The National Association of Broadcasters, formed in 1922, is the industry group representing commercial radio and television stations of the United States. The NAB is one of the most powerful and influential lobbying groups in Washington. In 2003, the NAB spent over $3 million in lobbying the Congress and over the past 4 years, it has given over $2.2 million to federal campaigns, almost 2/3 of which went to Republican candidates. (Center for Responsive Politics)

The NAB is holding their annual radio conference in San Diego from Oct.6 - 8, 2004. In order to confront the NAB and give voice to independent, grass-roots, non-corporate media, a Media EmergenC has been called. Check out this 3 day convergence / action / performance / gathering / training. The events are hosted by the San Diego Independent Media Center. Radical reference will be there handing out flyers, learning about internet radio and meeting other media activists.

Why you should be worried about the NAB

Articles about the NAB
