Question: Borderline Personality Disorder and Transgenderism

Question? : I am looking for information on the behavior and treatment of transgender people with both borderline personality disorder. I am looking for this information so that I can both intellectually understand what my friend is going through and have ideas about how I can be supportive. Transgenderism in psychological and medical journals will probably be referred to as 'gender identity disorder'. I tried to find information, but everything was about one condition with only a short reference to the other. I would like to find scholarly articles that look at both.

Borderline Personality Disorder and Transgenderism

Question? : I am looking for information on the behavior and treatment of transgender people with both borderline personality disorder. I am looking for this information so that I can both intellectually understand what my friend is going through and have ideas about how I can be supportive. Transgenderism in psychological and medical journals will probably be referred to as 'gender identity disorder'. I tried to find information, but everything was about one condition with only a short reference to the other. I would like to find scholarly articles that look at both.

The following are citations for articles that address both "gender identity disorder" and "borderline personality disorder" [Thanks to Jonathan and Naomi]:

Watts, Jacqueline. A clinical explication of Andre Green's
conceptualization of 'absence' in borderline psychic structure. Psycho-analytic Psychotherapy in South Africa. Vol 11(1) 2003, 99-110. Psycho-analytic Study in Africa, South Africa.

Anchersen, P. (1956). Problems of transvestism. Acta Psychiatrica et Neurologica Scandinavica Supplementum, 106, 249–256.

Cohen-Kettenis, P.T., & Gooren, L.J. (1999). Transsexualism: A review of etiology, diagnosis and treatment. Journal of
Psychosomatic Research, 46(4), 315–333.

Murray, James F. Borderline manifestations in the Rorschachs of male transsexuals. Journal of Personality Assessment. Vol 49(5) Oct 1985, 454-466. Lawrence Erlbaum, US.

Babinski S, Reyes A. Identity formation in adolescence: case study of gender identity disorder and treatment through an intermediate-care day hospital. Psychiatr Q. 1994 Summer;65(2):121-33.

Marantz S, Coates S. Mothers of boys with gender identity disorder: a comparison of matched controls. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1991 Mar;30(2):310-5.