Question: Statistics on Capitalism

Could you either provide me with statistics on the inequality of the capitalist system, for example the fact that there is over 300 trillion in offshore bak accounts while two thirds of the worlds population live in abject poverty or sugest a good website.

From RadRef:

Could you please be more specific about what information you need? I'm guessing from your question that you are looking for statistics demonstrating the levels of inequality that capitalism has caused. I found a lot of statistics on the internet, but be sure to see the citation--otherwise, anybody could post a statistic on the internet--we need to make sure it's true.

The Shared Capitalism Insitute offers some statistics that you might find useful in regards to wealth:
The World Bank has a wealth of information on poverty, and some statistics that you might find useful:
United for a Fair Economy has some good charts on their websites. Here's one on wealth of Americans:
And bouncing off of that, the World Revolution has some good stats on US wealth as well: