Question: African History

I am looking for an introductory text on the history of Africa or Western Africa. Starting from approx 1700 onwards but especially coverage of the last 50-80 years if possible. A text from the people's perspective would be ideal. Africa is a continent I know woefully little about. I am most interested in workers' history, social conditions, and education.

Answer: African History

My first thought was those wonderful "... for Beginners" books that predate "... for Dummies" by 20 or so years. They're definitely from a people's perspective. A WorldCat search yielded just the thing: African History for Beginners, by Herb Boyd (1995). It's "A Writers and Readers documentary comic book," perhaps pitched a little low (a description says it's suitable for middle school and up) for you, but if it's anything like the rest of the books in the series, I think you'll love it. There's also Pan-Africanism for Beginners, from 1992, or of course Get that cutie in commercials, television, films, and videos : breaking your talented child into the entertainment industry : the African-American parents' step-by-step beginners' guide to show business success. (title search: africa* for beginners)

When I searched Google for info on that title, I found a bibliography from Ohio State. It hasn't been updated in three years, but it still looks okay.

You might also look at Columbia University's subject guide.

MORE INFO from Vanessa:

  • from the African perspective--an origin story: Sundiata : An Epic of Old Mali (there are several translations)
  • the African film Keita (although problematic on gender) offers part of the story of Sundiata and the emergence of the Mende empire
  • the film Wend Kuuni captures one vision of precolonial life in West Africa

    added by Monica:
    If an online source would help for an overview, I recommend Wonders of the African World, a site based on the BBC/PBS series by Henry Louis Gates Jr. It's easy to use and perhaps could serve as a sort of encyclopedia to give a context to the modern history.