Question: Dealing with black mold in houses

What are some easy or cheap ways to deal with black mold in houses?

Answer: Dealing with black mold in houses

The Centers for Disease Control have created a set of guidelines for dealing with mold in the wake of natural disasters. I've copied the section of the document that is most relevant to the question (below). The entire document (the CDC's "Protect Yourself from Mold") is available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, and French at:

Safely Preventing Mold Growth

"Clean up and dry out the building quickly (within 24 to 48 hours). Open doors and windows. Use fans to dry out the building.

If there is mold growth in your home, you should clean up the mold and fix any water problem, such as leaks in roofs, walls, or plumbing. Controlling moisture in your home is the most critical factor for preventing mold growth.

To remove mold growth from hard surfaces use commercial products, soap and water, or a bleach solution of 1 cup of bleach in 1 gallon of water. Use a stiff brush on rough surface materials such as concrete.

If you choose to use bleach to remove mold:

CDC: "Protect Yourself from Mold" guidelines

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The Bay Area Radical Health Collective has recently posted a blog entry with links to additional mold-cleanup resources. Click here to access the entry.