NYC Local Collective Meeting Notes October 2007

Attendance: Alycia, Jenna, Melissa G, Melissa M (facilitator)

Tenants Resources Skillshare
Grassroots Media Conference
Republican National Convention
October 27 anti-war demo

  1. Tenants' Resources Skillshare
    We checked in about Sunday's skillshare, discussing whether or not we should have publicized it more widely. Melissa G forwarded the info to the Palmer school list and got some positive responses. Alycia offered to forward it to Pratt. We'll see how it goes and perhaps in the future post to METRO. A potential problem is having more participants that ABC No Rio can accommodate.
    We also talked of the importance of limiting these events to library practitioners.
    In sort of a sidebar we got to thinking how some of the skillshares might be work parties instead, (e.g. a collaboration with Books Through Bars, writing letters to the Library of Congress Subject Heading Division, writing letters to politicians about Net Neutrality, making "Ask Me, Radical Reference" patches, etc.
  2. Grassroots Media Conference
    The organizers have agreed that Radical Reference might partner with them in organizing a research track for the event. We will try to send a member of our working group to their next meeting (Monday 10/15).
  3. Republican National Convention 2008, Twin Cities, Minnesota
    Since Radical Reference was founded in order to support the demonstrations against the RNC in 2004, there is some interest in having a presence again. In addition to providing street reference, we discussed plugging in with other groups as needed (e.g. helping staff an IMC switchboard, uploading web documents and media if groups need help with that, etc.).
    K.R. in Denver recently inquired on the list about operations at the Democratic National Convention, as well.
    We agreed that RNC protest plans should be discussed on the main list for the time being.
    Alycia and Jenna will reach out to twin cities contacts, including the library school.
  4. October 27 protests, NYC
    Anyone interested in doing street reference, or marching together in a radical librarians contingent? Alycia will survey the group.