Rad Ref at ALA Midwinter 2008

Thanks to Karen from Philadelphia, Radical Reference will meet during the ALA Midwinter conference at The A-Space on Saturday, January 12 from 6-8pm.

Karen's directions:

  • The A Space is located at 4722 Baltimore Ave, accessible by the #34 trolley.
  • To get to the trolley, exit the Convention Center onto Market St and turn right/East. Walk so that the street numbers go up.
  • In Center City, the trolley is really a subway, so look for entrances to underground that are labeled in green and say Subway/Surface lines. There should be an entrance around 13th Street, or walk to City Hall (prominent and in the middle of the street, where 14th should be) and walk towards the center of the building and look for an entrance there. Take the 34.
  • I think it costs $2, but if you are able to buy a token ahead of time it's cheaper. It stays underground until 40th street, then comes above ground. It will go along Baltimore Avenue. Get off at 47th and cross the street.
  • The A Space is pretty noticeable, especially if you check out their website for a photo of the front door. Leave about 20 minutes to get there from the Convention Center.

Please send me agenda items or just add them here yourself. Here are a few to start:

  • DNC/RNC 2008
  • the future of Radical Reference
  • website redesign (aesthetic)
  • local collectives--getting them going, keeping them up

We will eat/drink/socialize (choose at least one) afterward, perhaps grabbing tofu hoagies at Fu Wah and then heading to a bar. Dahlak is an Ethiopian restaurant and bar very nearby, so we'll probably go there.