Perhaps zines might be one place to look for alternative perspectives? I found the zines "Suicide or Die" and "Objects in Mirrors: A Suicide Survival Zine," through a search engine search for the keywords zine + suicide, but there are other zines more broadly about mental health (here's also a discussion about other mental health zines on We Make Zines).
zines |
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Hi Radical Reference, I'm currently working on a project I have been dreaming about for a longtime. Getting a Printing Press off the ground. So far I have began to stur up interest and support with a blog stating the projects intent and a small initial project that will realize in the meantime (a collaborative zine). I've been sending the e-mail below to friends and have begun doing searches for projects, people, etc. to also contact. I anticipate I will be sending out e-mails over the next week or two as I continue to do research. My question for you has to do with needing a fiscal sponsor to umbrella Mad Love and Sweet Rebellion, |
Hi Long Haul, This is a question we spent some time discussing at the Zine Libraries (un)Conference last spring in Seattle. Of the five we considered for a shared catalog, and given your constraints, |
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Hi Adrienne, The Philly Zine Fest unfortunately seems to be a fall event nowadays, but you could get in touch with the organizers and see what advice they have. I also recommend Wooden Shoe Books as a source of zines. They've recently moved into a new space, and the folks I've talked to there have been super nice and helpful. You can also buy zines online from distros and stores in other cities. |
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Does anyone know of any zine festivals/events in Philadelphia from late January through mid May of 2010? I live in a housing cooperative in the Philly area that is looking for opportunities to expand our zine library. Any advice about purchasing zines in Philly would be helpful.
I think you told me you're sending her Alison Piepmeier's "Why Zines Matter" article, but for the sake of others with a similar question, I recommend it. |
Irene, Apologies for taking so long to respond, but our website has been down since shortly after you submitted your question. Do you know of any good articles about cataloguing zines? |
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Hi, Thank you,
For those attending the Association of College and Research Libraries conference in Seattle, and those who live in/near Seattle: Thursday, March 12, 10-2:30pm