If people cannot read and hear a variety of opinions and have free discussion they have less information on which to make decisions and exercise freedom to vote with full understanding of issues.
Florida's university system was dismantled by governor Jeb Bush who appointed new trustees at each campus. These trustees put loyalty to Bush above intellectual freedom. At Florida Gulf Coast University (Ft.Myers--southwest Florida)the cancellation of speaker Terry Tempest Williams,, who has criticized Bush/Cheney environmental policies is just the latest example.
kmccook's blog |
Vote Suppression in Florida. |
No full investigation until after elections? Why? |
Florida newspaper asserts culpability for torture in Iraq lies with SECDEF. Two inquiries have concluded that the abuses at Abu Ghraib were the result of leadership failures. The secretary of Defense should be held accountable.... But the real culpability lies at the top - all the way to Rumsfeld.
LThe American Library Association's resolution against torture. The ALA Council adopts the RESOLUTION AGAINST THE USE OF TORTURE AS A VIOLATION OF THE AMERICAN |
Suppress the Vote? The big story out of Florida over the weekend was the tragic |
The state is awash with anxiety about voting machines. Jeb Bush is still governor. The St.Petersburg Times had an article on August 2, 2004 that demonstrates the depth of the state government's involvement in depressing the vote: A May 2 internal memo requested by Hood details missed deadlines, failed software programs, personnel problems and a long list of mistakes, the Miami Herald reported Sunday. |