This isn't a Rad Ref event, but I will soon be conducting a free Internet research workshop at the Park Slope Food Coop:
"Peeling the Onion: A Workshop on Research"
Are you frustrated by how long it takes to find useful information about a given topic? Overwhelmed by the Internet and all the data out there? Unsure when to trust a source? Unable to translate your information needs to concrete queries?
Learn about the current information environment and how to navigate its layers for more fruitful searching sessions. Whether you're a student, a community activist, an independent journalist, or just someone who wants to be more efficient, come for research tips and tricks (and bring your own to share)!
Sunday, July 31
Park Slope Food Coop, 2nd floor
782 Union St (between 6th and 7th Aves), Brooklyn
You do not have to be a Coop member to come!
There's a PDF flyer, should you want to print it out. I'll post a handout and notes afterward!