Meeting at ALA in Anaheim 2012

UPDATE 6/27:

Members of Radical Reference and interested persons met at the Anaheim ALA conference. Because two did not want their names listed, I won't list any, because frankly, I can't remember who is who, and some people felt very strongly about this point.

  • For the non member/interested persons there was a discussion of what RR is, what we do, what we are working on, and the recent conference call where we tackled ideas such as how to get members more involved, and make sure questions were answered in a timely manner.
  • We also discussed the Reference Shelf as a great place to get involved if you are not willing or able to answer questions.
  • Issues with navigation and how the site is set up (ie how to answer questions)was brought up as an issue that some might like to address, if they felt more comfortable with Drupal. Mention was made of the site working parties that have happened in the past and the hopes that another might happen in the future.
  • There was a discussion on the Occupy Libraries and Radical Reference.
  • There was interest from librarians from the bay area in resurrecting that list, and those persons said they would send a message to the main list asking if there were other people in that area that would like to meet/be involved with something.

Thanks all who came and if I missed anything, which is likely, either email me or add to comments.

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