You might try reaching out to the directorate of the HIAW project per the contact info on their FAQ page. They'd probably be cool with an attribution, but they don't have any copyright statement, Creative Commons or otherwise, on the site, so that's just an educated guess.
Alternately, you might try reaching out to Dylan Rodriguez or Angela Davis through their academic institutions. I list Rodriguez first both because I suspect he is more likely to get back to you, and because as the interviewer (though an engaged one) he is more the 'author' of the recorded conversation.
There is something to be said for the fair use of the material in an academic context, and if the only money involved is strictly to cover copy fees, you have a fairly strong case for just using it - but common decency, solidarity, and academic practice all would suggest that you at the very least cite your source in any reproduction, and make some good faith effort to contact the interested parties.