Notes from the May 6, 2016 meeting at Interference Archive

Who's here:
Jen (note taker)

1. Introductions

2. Melissa gives a recap of the last meeting

  • Also on a rainy day!
  • There was a bit of a lapse of Radical Reference, but there was a decision to try to pull the group back into action because it seemed like there was renewed interest.
  • The last meeting involved brainstorming of projects -- see the minutes here.

3. Discussion of possible projects

  • Stephen mentions possible collaboration with Five Borough Defenders, an unofficial group of legal aid lawyers -- to strategize a way to collect information on legal research and curate it.
  • Next steps: Stephen will let them know that we're interested in a social event to meet them and talk about the issues they're working on and how we could work together.
  • Jen read the list of brainstorming/projects from last meeting's minutes.
  • Discussion on subject guides on the existing website. Cynthia asks if it would be alright to add to these; she has a tenant rights/resources libguide she could share. To start with, she'll share a link to the libguide that could be made available through the Rad Ref website if that seems to be a good idea.
  • It's important to work on something that has a critical mass of interest, so that we have a lot of people working on it.
  • Internet infrastructure walking tour -- this is something Melissa would like to do anyway, and she'll reach out to Ingrid about this.
  • Interference Archive projects, like cataloging parties -- Jen will share info about this kind of event through the Radical Reference listserv.
  • Discussion about how to get your foot in the door if you're interested in working in libraries -- volunteering, although this is something of a privilege. It's hard to know how much free labor to give in the interest of future goals.
  • Discussion of internships, and the issues of unpaid internships -- Jen talks about some of the issues that Interference Archive has seen in having or considering unpaid interns; Stephen suggests that this is a great idea for a project -- coordinating a panel/talk on internships done right, and what organizations look for in an intern. Jen will reach out to a current library school student to find out what time of year (before deadlines for internship applications) would be good to host this. (update: deadline for summer internships is May 1-15; fall internships is sometime in June...more info coming).