Sunday, April 29
New York City AIDS Housing Network office, Brooklyn
In attendance: Jonny, Becca, Melissa, Jenna, John, Emily, Dena, Gretchen, Judy, Laura
- Melissa gave an update on RadRef plans for the US Social Forum. She is still interested in going, but emails to other people in the group who have expressed interest have gone unanswered. Susie, a librarian from Boston, is interested in setting up a 'reference desk'-style station at the media center. John suggested doing an outreach effort asking activists "What can Radical Reference do for you?" It was suggested that participants hand out flyers pointing people to a survey on the website. Melissa is planning to go and urges other RadReffers to contact her to firm up planning.
Notes taken by Emily. E-mail nyc at radicalreference dot info with corrections.