NYC Radical Reference Meeting January 13, 2006

Radical Reference Meeting 1-13-06

Members Present: Jenna, Melissa, Julie, Jonny


  1. Grassroots media Conference
  2. ALA Midwinter
  3. Library Education Forum
  4. Montreal Anarchist Book Fair
  5. San Francisco Anarchist Book Fair

Transportation and Housing

  • Transportation - Different options for RadRef presenters. Each person will rely on bus or other forms.
  • Housing - Each Individual has options. Housing forms filled out and sent to NCOR housing organizer. Certain members may have more options for DC than others.

Table? - Most members unsure about sitting behind a table for the three days of the conference. It is decided that a table will not be reserved.

Grassroots Media Conference

  • Workshop on advanced internet research - Saturday, Feb. 11th - Jenna and Julie agree to conduct the workshop.

ALA Midwinter

  • Radical Reference Meeting in hotel room. Saturday, Jan 20th
  • Library Education Forum promotion - Flyers, and handouts
  • Asking national RadRef people for help with Lighting bug and coding. Perhaps developing a skill share.

Library Education Forum

  • Developing proposals for breakout groups
  • Continue to work on outreach/promotional material
  • Benefit- ABC No Rio - Feb. 17th.

Montreal Anarchist Book Fair

  • May 20th/ Tabling deadline April 3rd -Perhaps some Rad Ref involvement?

San Francisco Anarchist Book Fair

  • Mid April - Perhaps some Rad Ref involvement?