NYC collective meeting July 8, 2005

The meeting was held in the Computer Center at ABC No Rio.

Present: Andrew, Gabe, Jenna, Jonny (plus a significant other or two and some No Rio regulars passing through occasionally: a four year old, her father, and her loud caregiver).

We discussed the idea of incorporating but agreed that there is no real need, as we can get another group to administer a grant for us should we get one. It's kind of nice to not really exist.

But what would grants be for?

  • contributions to Interactivist for our web support
  • a portable projector for teaching fact checking and other workshops
  • stipends for internships
  • travel for conferences or trainings
  • I wrote "for DB" in my notes. Not sure what it means. Dave Barry? Dirk Benedict?

We brainstormed ideas for possible library school internships and came up with

  • answer quality control
  • documenting Radical Reference so far
  • analysis of questions and answers
  • wresting the Hennepin County Library Subject Headings from either the defunct but still dataful catalog or from print copies of the HCPL cataloging bulletin and then assigning SHs to all existing questions
  • tech projects
  • designing stuff (t-shirts and whatnot)

Practice site
Register on this site and be given full admin privileges to mess around with it. Learn drupal! The site is as it was in December or so, so it's not exactly as it is now.

Collaboration on Answered Questions
We want to remind everyone to think of answered questions almost like a Wiki. You can add to them at any time. (Contribute right in the answer, rather than making comments.) However, unlike a Wiki, you should contact the original answerer if you want to change or delete anything. His/her/hir e-mail address will appear in the log.

LIS Education Conference
The idea is to convene library school students and recent grads primarily, and also other interested people--practitioners, library school faculty, and the press to discuss the state of library school education. We want to identify the issues and offer improvements.
Jonny is coordinating; Andrew and Gabe are also working on it. They will get an annoucement out to NYC area library school lists (and maybe METRO too?) to solicit other volunteers.

September 24 Demo in Washington, DC
We need to start preparing for our participation in this demo. Get a Ready Reference Kit together, see who can go, etc. The RR Kit can be based partially on the one we made for the Counter Inaugural.

Legal Observer Training
We will arrange with the National Lawyers Guild to train Rad Reffies as legal observers. Jenna will contact them.

There is a demonstration on Tuesday, July 12 at 12pm at the NY Public Library, 41st and 5th that members should attend. We should have a presence in future events organized by the NYC Bill of Rights Defense Campaign.

Submitted by Jenna, July 9, 2005.