Google search for:
"peoples guide" "republican national convention"
finds a downloadable map and other information at:
Are we sure it is out of stock at ALL the places listed at:
I suspect hard-pressed acquisitions and catalog departments would hesitate very much to order this, thinking that it appears to be readily available online. Only the Art Institute of Chicago appears to have gotten a print (archive?) copy - see OCLC: 56205722
People's Guide to RNC - available
I just checked with NYPL's Map Division at 42nd Street and 5th Avenue and they do have a copy on display right now, and one in cataloging. Hours at the Map Division are 1-7:30 pm Tuesday, 1-6 Wed-Sat, closed Sun and Mon.
Regarding which library has it, OCLC (as quoted in the first response) only lists the libraries that have posted catalog records -- cataloging takes a long time due to backlogs. Art Institute of Chicago is a *star* for getting it into OCLC so soon. Ask around - other libraries may have it.