Shinjoung representin' at ICA

The International Communication Association Conference was held in San Francisco this weekend. I was on a panel titled, "Alternative Journalisms with Bob Ostertag (artist and author of People's Movements, People's Press), Don Hazen (founder of Alternet) and Josh Wolf (the Rise Up Network, The audience was mixed with academics, independent journalists, and community activists. I talked about what RR was doing to support alternative journalists. Many of them were surprised by our work and showed interest.

One independent journalist raised a question about gatekeepers in alternative media communities. She expressed that even in alternative journalist communities you have to be "in the know" to connect and get information about various resources. I thought we need to keep her question in mind.

The upload is the paper that I used in the presentation. Most of the content is cobbled together from our previous publications but I just added intro and conclusion.