answer 1711


If you are near a large academic library, or have remote access as a student or staff member, it is well worth trying some database searches. In Women's Studies International (1972-present), the search: YOUTH AND "SOUTH AMERICA" AND STATISTIC* gets 31 hits. ADOLESCENT* AND "SOUTH AMERICA" AND STATISTIC* gets 44 hits, ADOLESCENCE AND "SOUTH AMERICA" AND STATISTIC* gets 41. But ADOLESCEN* AND "SOUTH AMERICA" AND STATISTIC* gets an error message - truncation only goes so far, apparently.

For a possibly quicker look at full text online, Academic Search might also help. Girl* and south america and statistic* gets 3 hits; women* and south america and statistic* gets 7. women* and latin america* and statistic* gets 51 hits. In Women's Studies database you can use much broader categories such as "adolescents" or "youth", because the database itself will tend to limit to women and girls. Academic Search covers all subject areas, so it will be trickier to focus the search; you will need to try many more combinations of words.

For free access on the web, you can try official government sites, such as, or the UN's "Global Search on UN Documents", which gets 27 hits for the search: "latin america*" "young women" statistic*. This search appears to work like Google, but it wouldn't hurt to compare their advanced search, which uses pull-down menus for limiting to title, full text, Boolean search, etc. The full text Boolean search: "latin america*" and "young women" and statistic* gets 546 documents.

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