NYC Kindergarten stats


It looks like the ACS is proposing to remove about 3,200 kindergarten slots from child care centers. I found this information on this public hearing notification from the New York State Assembly:

The approximate number of Kindergartners in New York City is 104,000. 75% in public school and 25% in private school. This if from 2007, the most recent data they have available. I found this using the American Community Survey Statistics:
(I’m not sure if that link will work)
But you can recreate my search using the American Factfinder survey S1401

When you are searching, New York City is considered a “place” as opposed to “urban area” or “Metropolitan area”.
I don’t think there are really “slots” per say, because they will just keep cramming the kids into classrooms.

I’m still looking for names of the child care centers getting cut, but I’m not having much luck.


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