QUESTION: child abusers

question / pregunta: 

I was wondering what one can do to get the laws to toughen on children sexual predators and abusers, like how can I help?


A starting place might be the page of child abuse related resources from Medline.

Harvard Psychology professor Jim Hopper has an extensive page of Child Abuse Statistics, Research, and Resources to help you be as informed as possible on the subject.

You can find a local chapter of Prevent Child Abuse America and find other advocacy resources on their site.

In your area, a committee report was issued in 1999 detailing work that at that time was currently being done. Of note though is the Committee members and the organizations they were then a part of:

Adults Saving Kids
Breaking Free
Project Offstreets
Catholic Charities
Also of note:
The Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Adults Saving Kids

Contacting one of these organizations might be a good first step to get involved with local work already being done, a quick Google search should get you current information. Let us know if you have a hard time finding contact info for any of these.