Answer: QUESTION: Zapatista women and IT


To add to the post above, you might find the Electronic Disturbance Theater’s work with the Zapatista community interesting for your research.

Here are a few resources to look at:

Electronic Disturbance Theater

The Electronic Disturbance Theater (EDT) is a small group of cyber activists and artists (Ricardo Dominguez, Carmin Karasic, Brett Stalbaum, and Stefan Wray) engaged in developing the theory and practice of Electronic Civil Disobedience (ECD). Until now the group has focused its electronic actions against the Mexican and U.S. governments to draw attention to the war being waged against the Zapatistas and others in Mexico. But ECD tactics have potential application by a range of political and artistic movements. The Electronic Disturbance Theater, working at the intersections of radical politics, recombinant and performance art, and computer software design, has produced an ECD device called Flood Net, URL based software used to flood and block an opponents web site. While at present a catalyst for moving forward with ECD tactics, the Electronic Disturbance Theater hopes to eventually blend into the background to become one of many small autonomous groups heightening and enhancing the ways and means of computerized resistance.

Additional Links:

Chronology of SWARM
EDT/ECD Virtual Sit-Ins
Electronic Disturbance Theater
On Electronic Civil Disobedience
The Electronic Disturbance Theater and Electronic Civil Disobedience

Digital Zapatismo

Zapatismo has infected the political body of Mexico's "perfect dictatorship" since January 1, 1994. This polyspacial movement for a radical democracy based on the Mayan legacies of dialogue ripped into the electronic fabric not as InfoWar, but as virtual actions for real peace in the real communities of Chiapas. As of September 1997 reports of The Mexican military training and arming paramilitary groups with the intent of moving the "low-intensity" war to a higher level began to circulate among the Zapatista Network.  The Mexican military with the full support of the PRI government began the next stage of the war against peace. As the West stumbled about in celebration of a new year, the first report reached out across the internet and slapped us awake once more with the brutal reality of a neo-liberal agenda.  This time Zapatista Networks responded with a new level of electronic civil disobedience beyond the passing of information and emailing presidents. On Sunday the 18th of January 1998, a call for NetStriking for Zapata (from Anonymous Digital Coalition) came in via email.  In response to the situation, the Electronic Disturbance Theater staged a series of virtual sit-ins, which brought new possibilities of direct electronic actions to the forefront of the Zapatista Network.

Additional Links:

Digital Zapatismo
Zapatista Tactical FloodNet
Zapatista Tribal Port Scan Code
Zapatista Tribal Port Scan Code

If you any questions about Electronic Disturbance Theater or Digital Zapatismo, please let me know -- hope these resources help with your research.

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