Answer: Ordinance of 1830

Maybe the Indiana state historical society? In Iowa, our state historical society has plat maps, initial surveys, surveyor's notes, etc. I think they're broken down by the county level and in microfilm. See these contact points:

According to the American Library Directory
Indiana Historical Society Library
William Henry Smith Memorial Library
450 W Ohio St.
Indianapolis, IN 46202-3269

Or Indiana State Archives
6440 E 30th St
Indianapolis, IN 46219

Brett Cloyd
University of Iowa Libraries

From another librarian:

Google gets 60+ hits for the search [townships 1830 "delaware county indiana"]. Some of those might at least mention books or contemporary news accounts. Another possible place is the Indiana state web site. The search on that site gets 212 hits on [townships history delaware], some of which may lead you to related local history web sites.