Question: Abu Graib prisoner casualties

I am looking for the list of Abu Graib prisoners who died.

no list yet but numbers

I haven't found a list yet, but The numbers were discussed in Rumsfeld's May 7, 2004 testimony to the armed services committee.

Les Brownlee, Acting Secretary of the Army

From December 2002 to present, the Criminal Investigation Command has conducted, or is continuing to conduct, investigations into 35 cases of abuse or death of detainees held in detention facilities in the Central Command theater. Twenty-five of these are death cases, and 10 involve assault.

The CID investigates every death in our custody.

BROWNLEE: Of the 25 death investigations, the CID has determined that 12 deaths were due to natural or undetermined causes, one was justifiable homicide and two were homicides. The 10 remaining deaths are still under investigation.

Additionally, 42 other potential cases of misconduct against civilians occurred outside detention facilities and are currently under investigation by the Army's CID or by the responsible units.

"Where they burn books, they will also, in the end, burn people." Heinrich Heine

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