Attendance: Jenna, Jerome, John, Karen, Melissa, Natalie, Vani
I. NYC Anarchist Book Fair 2009 Baby!
Melissa reported the details: the fair happens the weekend of Saturday, April 11th. Tabling would cost $75 for a full table, which if we split with Books Through Bars could cost us $37.50.
Tees: Vani will take on t-shirt silkscreening (hopefully with some guidance), to make tees to sell at the table.
Questions table: (possibly Christy?)
Workshops (on 4/11 and 4/12): Stephen Englander of ABC No Rio and
Jillian Cuellar , Tamiment archivist, on "DIY Archives and Preservation"
Other possibilities:
"So You Want to Be a Librarian?"
Prisoner Resources (Melissa has contacted folks; this would not actually be a Rad Ref proposal)
II. Crown Heights Independent Library Idea
Guest speaker: Jerome
Jerome, a Brooklyn landscape architect, let us know about a project in which a group of community planners/organizers (?) are currently involved, to start a library, independent of the official public library system, but still open to the public. This would be in light of recent Sunday hours cuts to BPL branches borough-wide.
They are interested in creating the project as an alternative public space, and it needs funding, books, outreach support, and in the future, people to volunteer-staff it, as well as ideas and planning expertise from library people and community members. Monthly planning meetings of the project should commence soon; stay tuned as Jerome will email a detailed description to the Radref list.
III. Upcoming Library Conferences
Natalie is presenting at upcoming SLA
Eric and Julie will present at NJLA
IV. Facebook Page
Natalie just got set up as main admin for Radref Facebook page
Ideas: Use for updates, event notices, networking, where Radref will be, connecting to non-librarians and people in places where local collectives are not yet established.
Questions: Should it be city-specific? Or should geo-specific items be marked accordingly, to send to pertinent lists?
V. Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions
A local NYC group has formed to do research and develop campaigns around BDS. Research needs involve business/corporate malfeisance info, specifically on Motorola Israel (they make fuze for bombs used by IDF), generally for companies with ties to the occupation.
Ideas for Radref input include: Identify strong resources for doing "evil corporations"-related research, also a comprehensive list of companies that support the occupation.
See also BDS Ref Shelf page posted by Vani.
VI. Grassroots Media Conference
Karen gave us a reportback. Tentative date = 5/30 at Hunter College. Theme is "From Hope to Action." Needs include archival help, youth participants, potential outreach partners.
Workshop idea = "How to Research Evil Corporations"
March meeting - Friday, March 20 at ABC No Rio, time TBD