- Bronx Anarchist Fair
April 4th, 11am-6pm, Brook Park
-Rad Ref can table with NYPL for $10
-Julie volunteered to be the main Rad Ref coordinator for the tabling for this event. She can be there from the start of the fair until 4pm, and can put up the $10.11-1 (includes set up) Julie
1-3 Julie
3-4 Julie
5-6 (includes take down) - NYC Anarchist Book Fair
April 11 Judson Memorial Church. Rad Ref is sharing a table with Books Through Bars. Our share is $37.50. Melissa is putting up the funds but would appreciate if people helped her out with the costs of the table rental.
Jenna will coordinate the scheduling and the stuff for this event. Please add yourself below or email me to do it for you.Hours pending confirmation of tabling and workshop schedules from the book fair
11-12:30 (includes set up) Jenna (set up only)/Christy
12:30-2 Pilara
2-3:30 Alycia
3:30-5 Ellen
6:30-8 (includes take down) Jenna - Really Really Free Markets
Judson Memorial Church, last Sunday of each month - Grassroots Media Conference
May 30, Hunter College, Theme: "Hope to Action" (Proposals due April 15th.This is another event where we would like to table, but we did not discuss the details at the March meeting (*We still need a volunteer to be the Rad Ref Coordinator for the tabling for this event).