emily drabinski

Critical Pedagogy and Library Instruction

Saturday, May 8th 2010
Brooklyn College Library
This event is free

Please RSVP by April 9th.

btw Everyone involved in this except for the main speaker, Ira Shor, is in Radical Reference: Tom Dodson, Emily Drabinski, and Alana Kumbier (facilitators) and Alycia Sellie and Jonathan Cope (organizers).

When Reference is Radical: Rad Ref in Make/Shift

The Fall/Winter 2009/2010 issue of make/shift: Feminisms in Motion contains a sort of mutual interview with Radical Reference librarians Emily Drabinski and Lia Friedman, who is make/shift's staff librarian.

They talk about how integral their librarian and activist identities are to each other.

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