
QUESTION: History of Urban Rebuilds after Natural disasters in the 20th/21st century

question / pregunta: 

Is there a possibility to be led to documents/articles that gives a history of what local governments did with monies given to them by the federal government nation-wide, or even world-wide after natural or man-made disasters in the 20th and 21st Century? Hopefully this is not that vague of a question.



A possible start would be to search: privatization, in the site search or publications pages of organizations such as the International Monetary Fund. IMF gets 16 hits, including State-Owned Banks, Stability, Privatization, and Growth. But the World Bank gets 100,000+ hits for the site search: privatization; 19,000+ for: privatization banks statistics; and 201 even for: "privatizing banks" statistics. An easily compiled figure for worldwide public vs. privately owned banks seems to be very elusive, based on many searches I have tried. But I hope there are some RadRef librarians that have a bit more experience than I do - with both statistics and with public documents. Possibly, might help, because it includes state as well as federal websites, reports, studies, etc. and gets "about 225 results" for the search: "financial sector" privatization worldwide statistics.

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QUESTION: Which national banks are state-owned?

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I know that the majority of the world's national banks, such as the Federal Reserve in the U.S. and the Bank of England are privately owned central banks that borrow money from international banking corporations. But a few countries, like Libya and China, have banks that are wholly owned by the state, which prints its own national currency. Other than these two, are there any other countries that follow this model? Where do I start looking to find out what percentage of ownership a state has in its national bank?

QUESTION: Radical Resources on Economic Bailout/Financial Crisis

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Hey rad reffers
I am preparing a presentation on the global financial crisis for community organizations here in philadelphia. I am looking for help on finding other radical resources on the financial crisis in the hopes that I won't have to reinvent the wheel for all if this in terms of resources, visual aides, timelines etc. We are using this to develop local strategic responses to the global financial crisis and the resulting cutbacks and rising unemployment in philadelphia locally.
So to be more specific - looking for any curricula/lesson plans for similar workshops - video clips, visual aides (graphs etc), timelines of the crisis, simple definitions for neoliberalism, gentrification, structural adjustment and capitalism in general. Our 1st workshop is saturday night and we will be developing it further based on feedback. The focus is to make political economics accessible to local community organizers and activists who might not and probably do not have any background in academia or economics. Also any and all historical social movement resources on alternatives to capitalist development on a local level would be useful - e.g. malcom x's speech the ballot or the bullet speech outlines simple and accessible analysis of the economy and what alternatives might look like.

Any and all responses are welcome - thanks for your time and we will make whatever we put together available for use by other folks around the country
-wiley in philadelphia

QUESTION: Bail-outs outcomes

question / pregunta: 

This is a cool visualization on Many Eyes

Can you provide any outcomes data to correlate with these bail-outs over time? Like change in GDP or unemployment rates corresponding over years after these bail-outs to determine how effective or ineffective they may have been? Also, 1930-1933 bank bailouts, what was the cost and the results in unemployment or GDP. I heard they weren't effective at all.

Propublic is the user who created the visualization on Many Eyes.

ANSWER: Political Science Text Recommendations


I think we all choked a bit on this one because it is by its nature a very challenging project. There are various sources that rank schools, and by using citation indexes it is possible to rank specific professors to some extent. But respected research surely does not guarantee great teaching, or the ability to pick out good textbooks. Looking for textbook reviews in commercial academic library databases seems to yield limited success.

Academic Search Premier gets 10 hits for: textbooks and tx chicano (looking for textbooks in title, subjects and abstracts; and chicano mentioned anywhere in the article full text). The broader search: reviews and textbooks and political science gets 23 hits; reviews and textbooks and tx political science gets 34 hits.

In Hispanic American Periodicals Index, the search for SUBJECT: textbooks gets 136 hits, mainly reviews of textbooks. 73 are ones reviewed since 1990; only 8 since 2000.

Historical Abstracts gets 45 hits for: textbook review*. America: History & Life gets 22 for that search, 3 for: textbook and chicano and the same 3 even for: tx textbook and tx chicano.

Librarians Index to Internet gets 3 hits for textbook reviews, but even this little bit looks much more geared to public school texts.

In Google, "textbook reviews" chicano gets a pretty mixed bag, and only 46 unique hits. Commercial sites such as DO have "customer reviews", but not for very many books, and there seems to be no easy way to search JUST for books that have reviews. Also, the reviews that are there are by no means vetted by "experts" in their fields.

Powells Books gets only 1 hit for chicano and text*, and no reviews. It gets 48 hits for: political science and text*, but again, few reviews; economics and textbooks gets 138 hits.

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answer 1895


Full-text versions of Ruy Mauro Marini's work can be found on the internet in Spanish ( Using Google Translator, which is actually pretty good, you can read the Dialectic of Dependence, which includes the Cycle of Capital in the Industrial Economy.

Another RadReffer found the following in JSTOR Latin America (if you have access to this database through your university):
1) At the Crossroads Ruy Mauro Marini; Sarah Stookey Latin American Perspectives. Vol. 21, No. 1.
2) Brazil in Transition: Democratization, Privatization, and Working-Class Resistance (Winter, 1994), pp. 99-114.

And the following in Project Muse:
1) Frank, Andre Gunder 1929- Thompson, William R. Afro-Eurasian Bronze Age Economic Expansion and Contraction Revisited Journal of World History - Volume 16, Number 2, June 2005, pp. 115-172.
2) Frank, Andre Gunder 1929- No Civilizations: Unity and Continuity in Diversity; or, Multilateral and Entropic Paradigms for the World Today and Tomorrow positions: east asia cultures critique - Volume 15, Number 2, Fall 2007, pp. 225-249.

More articles are available through other online databases, such as:
1) A New Face for Counterrevolution, Journal: NACLA's Latin America and Empire Report Volume/Issue: 11:6 Month: July-Aug Year: 1977 Pages: 3-5.
2) Dependence Is Dead, Long Live Dependence and the Class Struggle: An Answer to Critics Journal: Latin American Perspectives Volume/Issue: 1:1 Month: Spring Year: 1974 Pages: 87-106 from HAPI online.

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