I came across your web site while searching the web and hope you can help me with my personal research.
The following are pieces of information I could collect from my parents, when they still were alive and my elder sister, who was only 5 years old, when the incident happened.
Answered |
How does kidney failure lead to multiple organ phoblems? Also explain treatment. What is the difference between palliative and radical treatment? |
The older issues of Statistical Abstracts of the United States have most of the data you want. Here is the link to 1951-1994: www.census.gov/prod/www/abs/statab1951-1994.htm. Each report will have data for a couple of years earlier; e.g., the 1951 report has data for 1949. You'd need to scroll through each year to find the relevant data. For example, the 1951 report has chart on "Felony Prisoners by Color, Nativity, Age, and Sex". (nativity being whether they were born in the U.S. or not) |
What was the total prison population and prison population by race and gender from 1950 to 1975? I'm writing an article about the civil rights movement and rise of the prison industrial complex and want to compare yearly prison population increases with civil rights victories, so I want the population by year. |
Question: I would greatly appreciate help finding scholarly articles on the history of the American road system and (if possible) the effects of the road system on contemporary society in the United S |
How can I find a list of US-based or US-backed corporations doing business in Oaxaca, Mexico? Something like the Directory of American Businesses in Mexico would be a good jumping off point, but I don't have access to it. The American Mexico Chamber of Commerce has a broad listing of American companies doing work in Mexico, but it is not specific to Oaxaca and would require quite a bit more digging to match this. |
How many people have AIDS in Africa and how many people have Malaria in Africa?
I am looking to go back to school with the goal of becoming a librarian. However, I'm looking to get a lot out of going back to school. I'm looking to fashion a sort of music librarian career out of my education. |
I am trying to correlate the employment rate and general economic status of Colorado Springs to the defense budget as a means to look at how closely tied our economy is to making war. Colorado Springs employs 1 in four people in militrary related jobs. |
Widely attributed to Thoreau on the Internet: Can anyone find a source verifying that Thoreau actually wrote this?