
Report back on RR Meeting at ACRL 2013

What a fun meeting we had! We bowled duckpin style and didn't really talk in a group about Radical Reference, but many nice interactions and conversations were had. Thank you all for joining us, and being a part of RR!


UPDATED INFO! Are you going to ACRL? then come to the Rad Ref meeting on Wednesday at 7:30at Fountain Square. There will be DUCKPIN BOWLING, and we will talk about projects we are working on or things we want to do, or explain what we are all about and more. We'll meet in the End of the Line Public House for the meeting (and eating if you desire)portion and then move to bowling when we are done!

Radical ACRL

For those attending the Association of College and Research Libraries conference in Seattle, and those who live in/near Seattle:

Thursday, March 12, 10-2:30pm

ACRL preconference unconference

As an adjunct to the ACRL conference in Seattle in March 2009, members of Radical Reference are organizing an unconference on social justice and alternative and radical collections and programs in academic libraries.

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