
Where and how would I find English language material on the local religion practiced in Tai O, Lantau Island, China


I have to say, I'm not finding much in English. I found out that the village of Tai O is located on Lantau Island. There is much news coverage of that locale in regard to a new International airport being built there, and I think an Asian Disneyland, as well. What helps is if you expand your search to Lantau Island. I found only a few things that may or may not be helpful to your query. I listed a couple of journals and newspapers that specialize in covering this region. I listed some articles I found. First off the bat, some contact information for librarians local to you.

Aruna Magier, South Asia, NYU Libraries,
Evelyn Ehrlich, Religion, " " ,
Timothy Johnson, Anthropology, " " ,
Nancy Stout, Religion, Fordham University Library,

Helpful Journals :
Chinese Sociology and Anthropology
South China Morning Post
The Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs

Last fishing village threatened as young abandon ageing population
South China Morning Post, February 11, 2008 Monday, NEWS; Pg. 3, 704 words, Helen Wu

Plan to revive Tai O's salt-making tradition; Government puts up idea and advice, but no cash
South China Morning Post, January 16, 2008 Wednesday, NEWS; Pg. 1, 511 words, Helen Wu

Hong Kong's Quiet Neighbor. (1990, February). Sunset, 184(2), 110.

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