We discussed if and how Radical Reference might participate in the U.S. Social Forum in Atlanta this summer using some Guiding Questions, provided by our facilitator, Gretchen.
- What worked best in the past? (with Rad Ref projects)
- Being part of the community we're serving, reminding fellow activists about libraries and librarians as utile resources.
- Having deadlines and specific projects to work on
- Being part of the community we're serving, reminding fellow activists about libraries and librarians as utile resources.
- What haven't we tried and why?
- Blogging from events and conferences--just hadn't thought of it.
- Stickers and postcards--we actually have used stickers, but not mass produced high quality stickers
- Blogging from events and conferences--just hadn't thought of it.
- What are our special skills as individuals, and as a collective?
- Practical, serving activists and the underserved.
- Access to resources and the skills to use them
- Expertise on important issues like the privatization of information
- Doing something, not just saying: using the tools we have to empower people
- Practical, serving activists and the underserved.
- What are the desired outcomes of participants?
- Connecting with other groups
- Meeting outside of the library context, e.g. ALA, might allow us to connect with radical library workers who don't yet organize with others in our profession
- Meeting outside of the library context, e.g. a library, might make our potential patrons feel more comfortable, free to use our services
- Dealing with broader issues in librarianship
- Putting the history of radical activism and social movements in an information context
- Being at the table with other activists
- Maybe having a reference tent at the Forum
- Presenting a workshop or having a strategy session?
- Conducting listening sessions with groups to see what they need/could use from us
- Connecting with other groups
- What are the broader impacts we want?
- Working not as Radical Reference but as an unaffiliated delegation of library workers. Working with members of existing groups like ALA-SRRT and PLG, if they're interested and also with organized library workers (i.e. union members) along with unaffiliated ones.
- Wanting to keep up with things, like specific projects
- Using work with Radical Reference and other activist projects help us put up with the miseries of our day jobs--not really being able to provide service in the way we would like
- Helping people to know what they don't know--that there's more to research than Googling.
- Helping to set the tone for this and future US Social Fora.
- Working not as Radical Reference but as an unaffiliated delegation of library workers. Working with members of existing groups like ALA-SRRT and PLG, if they're interested and also with organized library workers (i.e. union members) along with unaffiliated ones.
Additional notes and comments:
- The deadline for proposals and stuff is 4/27
- There is a northeast regional organizing meeting in Boston on 3/4 (we think). Maybe someone should go.
- USSF "We Believe" pdf
- USSF Working Groups
- Notes from Radical Reference Meeting, ALA Midwinter that references the Forum.
The meeting was held on Friday, February 16 at ABC No Rio. In attendance were: Blair, Gretchen, Heather, Jenna, John, Jonny, Julie, Megan, Melissa, Nicole, Tom (am I missing someone???).
Notes submitted by Jenna, 2/19/07.