RadRef NYC
October 17 meeting
ABC No Rio
Present: John, Christy, Lisa, Melissa M., Karen, Emily
Minutes by Emily
1. Melissa M. updated us on the archives event. It is happening November 11. We have the Brecht Forum space from 6 to 11, with set up at 6:30, GMC networking event from 7 to 7:45, followed by the panel. GMC will be supplying libations.
Space rental is $150. GMC will be covering the cost. John will check with GMC to see if they can cut a check to Brecht, or if they will reimburse Melissa.
RR is responsible for PR, putting the announcement out to various email distribution lists, creating a facebook event, etc. To that end, please read and revise the flyer text by this Monday--bios need to be shaved a bit, and Melissa says it could be 'punchier.' Melissa has a list of print sources to send the flyer and will take care of that part of the PR. You can see the current text here.
Vani will moderate the panel--introduce the speakers, keep things running on time.
2. Melissa asked if RR is interested in participating in Really Really Free Markets, an occasional anarchist community event where everything is available for free. General interest was expressed; Melissa will open up a dialogue with the folks who organize the event.
3. Melissa updated on the Anarchist Book Fair. The first organizational meeting was held this Wednesday. the event will be held one weekend in April, though Melissa couldn't remember which. RR folks are invited to think about potential workshops and ways we can utilize the table on the day of the actual book fair. (One day of the weekend will be a book fair + workshops; the second day will consist only of workshops.) Start brainstorming!
4. Melissa updated the group on a paper she and Lia have been asked to write for a journal about reference librarianship (The Reference Librarian). One version is currently up on the IFLA website and another version based on the slides is appearing in a British reference journal. They are interested in any feedback and/or suggestions for other ways of re-versioning this paper.
5. Lisa asked about the status of the NACLA research guide project. John has been in touch with Christy Thornton at NACLA, who has been in touch with Melissa, and the project is currently on hold until at least following the archives event. Melissa is the current point person on this. Melissa will see about getting a print copy of the old NACLA guide (very out of date, but "typographically and mimeographically awesome!") to Lisa.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: John reminded us about election return night at the Brecht Forum with Go Left. ("Don't watch election returns alone!"). Karen will be giving a talk on radical library history at Queens College with Julie and Vani next Tuesday and will post handouts and slides on the RR site. Christy reminds us about the ABC No Rio gala next Wednesday; she will be working the event.