ANSWER: Sexism in reality television statistics


To get free sites on the Web, you can try for state as well as federal websites, reports, studies, hearings, etc. Possible searches would include: "reality tv" sexist (3 hits), "reality tv" sexism (2 hits); and "reality shows" profit* (50 hits). USAsearch seems to be a bit more predictable with the * (truncation) than Google is. Compare Google's only 44 hits for: "reality shows" profit* site:gov but 70 for "reality shows" profitability site:gov

You can also use site:edu to try to get more "official" or at least better documented information. Google gets at least 345 unique hits for "reality shows" profitability trends site:edu and 14 for "reality shows" "average revenue" site:edu. These site:edu,, sites may also have a lot more research on sociological issues such as sexism, racism, or stereotypes in general. For example, "reality shows" sexist site:edu gets 137 unique hits in Google. We do have to beware that "site:edu" does not guarantee scholarship. Many students and staff are quite free to have their own blogs or personal websites hosted on a university server, and "peer review" is definitely not the rule for such sites.

If you are near an academic or large public library, there will almost certainly be onsite access to commercial full-text databases. If you "Select a Field" TX-All Text, in its Advanced search, Academic Search Premier (Ebsco) gets 35 hits for the search: "reality shows" and sexis*, and 33 for: "reality shows" and profitability; Business Source Complete gets 57 for: "reality shows" and profitability. Very many academic libraries will give you onsite access to the very scholarly full text journal database JSTOR. There are many options for JSTOR, and only the very largest places can afford the entire package. Here at University of Maryland, our JSTOR package gets 20 hits for the search: "reality shows" AND stereotyp* and 9 for: "reality shows" AND sexis*. There are many other possible databases, notably Communication & Mass Media, SocIndex, Web of Science (Social Sciences Citation Index), and even ScienceDirect because of its very large body of full text.

Jim Miller

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