Question: Missouri Dept. of Corrections Inmate Statistics

A member of the Missouri Prisoners Labor Union is looking for Missouri Dept. of Corrections inmate per capita costs summary for fiscal years 1993-2004. Specifically "the policies needed Search IS-20-1-3, Chemical Agent:Pepper Spray IS 20-2-2; Mechanical Restraint's IS20-2-3; Use of Force Guidelines IS20-3-1, Use of Force Report IS20-3-2; Institutional Service Policy and Procedure Development and Maintenance IS1-3-1, Standard Operating Procedure Development and Maintenance IS1-3-2; Policy and procedure Development D-1-2, and D-1.2.1 Employment Recruitement D-2-1, and D-2-1.1; Demotion D-2-2.15 Dismissal D-2-3.4, Employee performance D-2-4 and D-2-4.1 and nepotism D-2-11-3 if you can get any are all of these Policies off the net it would be appreciated."