Question: Missouri Department of Corrections Inmate Statistics

A member of the Missouri Prisoners Labor Union is looking for Missouri Dept. of Corrections inmate per capita costs summary for fiscal years 1993-2004. Specifically "the policies needed Search IS-20-1-3, Chemical Agent:Pepper Spray IS 20-2-2; Mechanical Restraint's IS20-2-3; Use of Force Guidelines IS20-3-1, Use of Force Report IS20-3-2; Institutional Service Policy and Procedure Development and Maintenance IS1-3-1, Standard Operating Procedure Development and Maintenance IS1-3-2; Policy and procedure Development D-1-2, and D-1.2.1 Employment Recruitement D-2-1, and D-2-1.1; Demotion D-2-2.15 Dismissal D-2-3.4, Employee performance D-2-4 and D-2-4.1 and nepotism D-2-11-3 if you can get any are all of these Policies off the net it would be appreciated."

FY ’04 Corrections Budget per diem costs

FY ’03 Corrections Budget per diem costs

Missouri had one of the lowest average reported annual operating costs per inmate in 2001 ($12, 867) according to the Department of Justice.

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