ANSWER: Kangaroo - Exxon



In addition to jbeek's response, now on, you also can look at early documents on this Kangaroo Trademark. in, click "Trademarks", then "Search Trademarks". In Freeform search, put: kangaroo.comb. and store$ (you can also use brackets; kangaroo[comb] and store$2[gs], but I find the dots easier, from typing in so many URLs!). What this is searching is the "combined mark", the mark with and without punctuation, the mark as a foreign word that means the same thing, and the mark with weird spellings (Pseudomark); AND the goods and services "Stores" or store (any word that begins with "store", and that has NO extra or up to 2 at most more letters. This gets 13 hits, and you can click on each one to get the full details - including links to TARR (appplication outline history) and Assignment status, TDR (Trademark document retrieval - the legal file scanned into the database), and TTAB - Trademark Trial and Appeal Board records - if there was a legal case against the applicant.

Some of the old "DEAD" marks (no longer paying maintenance fees - but could potentially be still in use as "Common Law" marks) will give you some history, such as Mansfield Oil Company of Gainesville, Indiana as an applicant back in 1984. You can then hunt for these company names back in old business directories in large public or academic libraries. Alas, lots of this is NOT online, though it can't hurt to double-check Google Books, or even Google's main web search, just in case something has been scanned or otherwise put into an online history. Or if a big library has Reader's Guide retrospective, that is a possibility. Newspaper indexes in most libraries may get you back to the 80s or 70s - or in very big libraries you can find NY Times and Washington Post Historical.

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