
Answer: QUESTION: Jobs


A couple other places to look are:

Vegan Jobs: "If you are a vegan looking for vegan work, or a vegan who owns a vegan company, you've come to the right place. We are currently listing vegan companies all over the world who are vegan owned and who provide vegan products."

Feminist jobs and internships:

And, Amherst College has some info on finding activism-focused jobs with links to more job sites:

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question: QUESTION: Jobs


question / pregunta: 

How can I find work with radical organizations in Boston? Anything from anti-police violence, anti-racism, affordable housing, queer liberation.... anything radical! I want to be in the fight for liberation and also be able to eat. Help a friend out.

ANSWER: Co-operative organization and not becoming the go-to-person


Hi Adam,

I have been looking for books that may appeal to your question, and I must say that I have been a bit disappointed in what I have (or have not) found! There are, of course, a plethora of corporate titles that will tell one "how to manage," (hierarchically) and there are many lefty publications about activism, but few that are written by activists or radicals about how their cooperatives work (that I was able to find).

I browsed through a few library catalogs and bookstores, and was only able to find a few titles that looked like they might touch upon your question:
Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky
The revolution will not be funded : beyond the non-profit industrial complex by Incite! Women of Color Against Violence.
Organizing for social change : Midwest Academy manual for activists by Kimberley A Bobo; Jackie Kendall; Steve Max; Midwest Academy.
Tools for radical democracy : how to organize for power in your community by Joan Minieri; Paul Getsos.
Building powerful community organizations : a personal guide to creating groups that can solve problems and change the world by Michael Jacoby Brown.

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