I'm really excited to start a new collective in Texas!
Blogs |
I am a religious scroogle user, a program that sits on top of Google allowing your searches to go unrecorded and unobserved by Google. |
Reforma has put together a toolkit for librarians for responding to anti immigrant sentiments. Find it HERE.
I thought Rad Reffies may be interested in this event: ASIST @ Pratt is proud to present Copy/Right(?): |
Radical Reference presents a second evening about how community history is documented and celebrated, with the Lesbian Herstory Archives and the Lower East Side Squatter-Homesteader Archive Project. Archivists and activists will present parts of their collections and discuss how their work keeps the struggle alive.
The NYC Collective of Radical Reference will have a table at the 4th Annual NYC Anarchist Book Fair, and will present a workshop on Saturday at 12:45
Hi all, |
Radical Reference is now registered for the US Social forum in Detroit in June 2010. Melissa and I are the only Rad Ref members registered as part of our organization. We can register one more person for free, so if you want to be that person, email nyc@radicalreference.info. Here's our organization page http://organize.ussf2010.org/org/radical-reference. Please join, if you're so inclined!
Security and Freedom for Online Collaboration |
Saturday, May 8th 2010
Brooklyn College Library 1:00pm-4:00pm This event is free Please RSVP by April 9th. btw Everyone involved in this except for the main speaker, Ira Shor, is in Radical Reference: Tom Dodson, Emily Drabinski, and Alana Kumbier (facilitators) and Alycia Sellie and Jonathan Cope (organizers). |