RDA vs. AACR2: Implications for Social Justice, Featuring Rick Block

Monday January 11, 2010
7-9:00 pm
Sixth Street Community Center
638 East Sixth Street (between Avenues B & C)
Free, but attendees will be asked to donate a few bucks to help pay for the space rental

The NYC collective of Radical Reference will host a "people's university" style salon to discuss RDA vs. AACR2: Implications for Social Justice.

Rick Block will be leading off the discussion with a rundown of the issues and implications of RDA. Participants will be strongly encouraged to sign up to read one of the articles posted below, and be prepared to report on it at the meeting. See the bibliography from the OCLC salon discussion we held last January for an example of how this works.

  1. Please add items you think people should read ahead of time.
  2. Please keep them in anti-chronological order.
  3. Feel free, encouraged even, to provide some annotation.
  4. Please volunteer to summarize one item for the group at the salon by putting your name after it in parentheses, like this: (Farfel)
  5. If you can't/don't want to edit the page to add a citation or claim an article, just say what you want in a comment.

QUESTION: Contacting Artists / Festival Models

question / pregunta: 

I am working with a group of students to plan a "Green Arts Festival" we have received funding from our college to plan a free, day long event open to students, faculty and staff. Currently we have been talking to some musicians about preforming preform and we are hoping to get artists to teach crafts that use recycled materials.

1.I would like to learn about some examples of successful past "Recycled Art" or "Environmentally Friendly" Art Festivals/Events. It would be particularly helpful if I could find examples of recycled art events that have happened in collaboration with colleges or universities.

2. It would be very helpful if I could get recommendations for how to find Philadelphia area teaching artists who specialize in working with recycled or "green" materials.


QUESTION: Zine Festivals in Philadelphia

question / pregunta: 

Does anyone know of any zine festivals/events in Philadelphia from late January through mid May of 2010? I live in a housing cooperative in the Philly area that is looking for opportunities to expand our zine library. Any advice about purchasing zines in Philly would be helpful.

Announcing the 4th Annual NYC Anarchist Book Fair: April 17, 2010

April 17, 2010
Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South, Manhattan

QUESTION: southern US traditional artisan crafts

question / pregunta: 

i would like to find out about historically regional crafts, specifically southern US, that have been lost post industrailization.

QUESTION: Service to Books to Prisoners Group

question / pregunta: 

I'm a member of a prisoner solidarity group here in Montreal called Open Door Books. We send books to prison libraries and we also get requests for information from individuals in prison (ex. questions about specific legislation in certain states, etc). We try to find the requested information to the best of our ability, but i was just wondering if this is the type of thing that we could send to you guys for help with.
Thanks, andrea

Website Refactoring/Redesign Session

Saturday, December 19
1-5pm, drop in anytime
220A E 4th Street (between Avenues A & B), East Village, NYC
Contact nyc@radicalreference.info if you want to participate remotely

  • Are you interested in Radical Reference or already a volunteer?
  • Do you have experience with website usability or want to gain some?
  • Are you a coder with Drupal, CSS or other web development skills to improve or share?

If you fall into at least one of these categories, please join us!

  • What does the Radical Reference site currently do, and what would we like it to do?
  • What do we like about the site?
  • What do we find frustrating?

The goal of this brainstorming session is to create a wishlist of functions and improvements for the site, and a roadmap for how to implement them.

And stick around after for a little social gathering!

Request for Public Input on Open Access to Federally Funded Research

SUMMARY: With this notice, the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) within the Executive Office of the President, requests input from the community regarding enhancing public access to archi

ABC No Rio 2010 calendar

ABC No Rio, which often hosts Rad Ref NYC meetings as well as the tech collective, InterActivist Network, that hosts our site, has a 2010 calendar on sale for $10. It's full of black and white photographs, including one that shows the origin of the space's name. Buy a calendar and help heat the building this winter.

QUESTION: Preserving cultural & community heritage by supporting libraries & museums in low income communities & poor countries

question / pregunta: 


Is there a progressive national or international organization that focuses on providing support and advocacy for libraries, museums and the preservation of community/cultural heritage in low income communities in the U.S. and poor countries in the world. Thanks!

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