QUESTION: Radical History Graduate Programs

question / pregunta: 

This was a question brought up about two and a half years ago and I wish there had been more answers.

I am looking for radical history programs (particularly southern studies) and while of course I've done research and have some leads, it would be nice to have some tips from other people. Making the decision to go back to school is huge and looking at programs can feel overwhelming!

Now on

By popular demand, we're now microblogging on, too. Open source 4ever!

Now on Twitter

Radical Reference is now tweeting. Well actually we haven't tweeted anything yet, but the plan is to feed links from our website out to the Twittersphere. (Is it wrong to use that word, like saying "webinar" is wrong?) Our account is RadReference, as some med school student already had radref.

QUESTION: NYC Open Record law

question / pregunta: 

I am trying to find out if New York City has a specific law or guidelines for open records requests. So far, I have only been able to find a state law regarding FOIL. If so, can you please tell me where to find it? Thanks!

RR-NYC salon: Google Books Settlement

Friday October 16 2009
Sixth Street Community Center
638 East Sixth Street (between Avenues B & C)
Free, but attendees will be asked to donate a few bucks to help pay for the space rental

The NYC collective of Radical Reference will host a "people's university" style salon to discuss the Google Books Settlement.

Participants will be strongly encouraged to sign up to read one of the articles posted below, and be prepared to report on it at the meeting. See the bibliography from the OCLC salon discussion we held in January for an example of how this works.

  1. Please add items you think people should read ahead of time.
  2. Please keep them in anti-chronological order.
  3. Feel free, encouraged even, to provide some annotation.
  4. Please volunteer to summarize one item for the group at the salon by putting your name after it in parentheses, like this: (Farfel)
  5. If you can't/don't want to edit the page to add a citation or claim an article, just say what you want in a comment.

"Sustain Our Libraries" poster from Justseeds

At the risk of posting something too commercial here, I wanted to give props to this nice library-themed poster by Mary Tremonte of the Justseeds visual arts collective.

When Reference is Radical: Rad Ref in Make/Shift

The Fall/Winter 2009/2010 issue of make/shift: Feminisms in Motion contains a sort of mutual interview with Radical Reference librarians Emily Drabinski and Lia Friedman, who is make/shift's staff librarian.

They talk about how integral their librarian and activist identities are to each other.

Twitter and the G20

The New York Times and N

QUESTION: field trip resources

question / pregunta: 

I am an elementary school educator in Portland Or and I am looking for unique field trips for my students. I am looking specifically for opportunities to experience grassroots organizations, ideas and movements. I found a small zine publisher (IPRC) that has a wonderful field trip program and am looking to expand on that experience. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

QUESTION: where/how would I find statistics on how many women enter u.s. prison already with a h.s. diploma or GED in the 1970s?

question / pregunta: 

How or where would I find statistics on how many women incarcerated in the U.S. in the 1970s obtained their GEDs or high school diplomas BEFORE incarceration?

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