Sunday, May 22, 1-4pm (Greenwich -4)
Openflows/Greenmap Office: 220A E. 4th St. (betw Avenues A & B), NYC
remote participation possible
drupal |
As you may have noticed, the website has been updated and re-themed. It's a lot less hideous looking now, right? However...there are a few things that still need work. If you have any problems or notice any weirdnesses, please describe them here as comments to this post or email and describe what you see. Screenshots a plus! |
The United States Social Forum (USSF) Information and Communication Technology Working Group (ICT) has invited/requested librarians to help test and brainstorm the conference website, including how it will be used by our project in particular. Monday, 1/18 2-5pm (people are welcome as early as 1 and as late as 6, though)
Saturday, December 19
If you fall into at least one of these categories, please join us!
The goal of this brainstorming session is to create a wishlist of functions and improvements for the site, and a roadmap for how to implement them. And stick around after for a little social gathering!
February 23-26 Code4Lib 2009 in Providence, RI costs money, but has been sold out for weeks anyway |
Particularly observant users of this site will have noticed that I finally demoted the website upgrade in progress note that's been on the front page since last December. |
It's Drupal BarCamp time, once again in NYC. March 29 & 30, 2008 |
I hope folks will go to Drupal Camp NYC on July 14 at Polytechnic University in Brooklyn. Check out the sessions page to see what's appropriate for you. Notice that the whole things starts with PHP 101 for Non-Programmers! |