QUESTION: womens' roles in activist organizations

question / pregunta: 

I am looking for recent (past five years) publications on the roles of women in activist organizations for a literature review in preparation for a series of documentary interviews.

I am not looking for biographies, but rather behavorial analysis or case studies. Book or journal publications are preferred, but well referenced website essays or dissertations are okay too.


Library service to labor unions (1948)

Shinjoung's working on a paper about the history of labor libraries and libraries supporting labor unions. here's an article from 1948 that I thought folks might want to read.

PDX Collective Meeting Notes - December 2008

December 2nd, 2008 at the IPRC

In attendance: Nate (moderator), Renee, Laura, Lana, and Rick

Workshops at the IPRC

ABC No Rio Clothesline Benefit

If you're in Nueva York...

The Clothesline Benefit Art Sale
Affordable works on paper: $25 - $50
7:00pm - 10:00pm

QUESTION: American soldier and man of conscious held in refugee camp

question / pregunta: 

I would like any precedents in Germany or other countries for what is happening to Andre Shepherd, an American soldier and IVAW member currently being held in a German refugee camp as he seeks asylum? I have other questions too but this is on the top of my list. You can find out more by going to articles posted on the front of the website, the article in Der Spiegel is particularly informative.

The Carbon Footprint of Print and Digital Media

APHA-New York presents:

Don Carli, "The Carbon Footprint of Print and Digital Media: Why you should care and what you can do about it"

Co-sponsored by the Rare Book & Manuscript Library of Columbia University.

Tuesday, Dec. 9, 2008, 6-7:30 p.m.
Butler Library, Room 523
Columbia University

QUESTION: nuclear waste

question / pregunta: 

What are the best web sites available about low-level nuclear waste and its disposal?

NYC Radical Reference at the Really Really Free Market

Today was the second time that Rad Ref members have been present at the Really Really Free Market in NYC.

QUESTION: Copyright & Fair Use

question / pregunta: 

Greetings radical librarians: I am part of an organization developing an online syllabus for study groups we hope to be launching in 2009. We hope to be using articles from academic journals (and most likely obtained from J-STOR and Project Muse). Since we're posting this syllabus online, are there any issues of copyright that we should be worried about?

My gut feeling is that since we're not conducting these study groups with any kind of fee$, that we're in the realm of fair use, but i'd like a more informed opinion than my gut. Help me out, please!

Sandy Berman's letters to LC

We're big fans of Sandy Berman. We were all very concerned when we learned a few months ago that Sandy was in a most painful car accident and faced months of painful recuperation. Well, the news got better with the recent package in my mailbox from Sandy. You see, Sandy has a long-standing old-fashioned listserv that is regularly distributed via snail mail. These packages include articles of interest as well as copies of letters that he regularly sends to Library of Congress suggesting new Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) along with support from the literature. So when that package showed up in my mailbox, I knew Sandy was well on his way to recovery!

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