NYC Local Collective Meeting Notes, September 2008

NYC Local Collective Meeting, September 19, 2008
Attendance: Jenna, John, Karen, Mel, Vani (facilitator)

  • Radical Archives Event
  • Alternative Materials in Libraries Event
  • Queens College Presentation
  • NYC Radical Reference Discussion List
  • IMC Event Report-Back

QUESTION: Orwell and Bradbury Quotations

question / pregunta: 

I am looking for the sources for two highly quoted but (as far as I can tell) never cited quotations. I prefer to have the original source - that could be journal article, newspaper article, interview, authored work, etc. but I can accept a reference to a reputable quotations dictionary or other reference work. I need page number in addition to the title, publisher, etc.

The first quote is:

You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them.
~Ray Bradbury

The second quote is:
If large numbers of people believe in freedom of speech, there will be freedom of speech even if the law forbids it. But if public opinion is sluggish, inconvenient minorities will be persecuted, even if laws exist to protect them.

~George Orwell

Radical Reference in CQ Politics

Radical Reference was profiled in CQ Politics. Wanda Marsolek and Steve LaBash were quoted.

QUESTION: Nonprofit Librarian wages.

question / pregunta: 

I have a very specific salary question.
I'm wondering what the median salary and salary range for an Assistant Librarian at a non-profit special library in New York City. I think this could be easily answered with the SLA Salary Calculator or survey but I can't locate a copy or access the calclulator.

QUESTION: If my normal work day is canceled because of weather, can I be required to work on my regular day off?

question / pregunta: 

If my normal work day is canceled because of bad weather, could I be required to work on a normal day off?

Radical Collections in Public Libraries

The NYC Collective is planning an event featuring local radical archives collections. So far we've got the Tamiment at NYU and the Lesbian Herstory Archives lined up, and probably ABC No Rio.

We'd love to add a public library to our offering, but we don't seem to know of any public library collections, local or semi-local that have an explicitly radical collection.

RNC Weirdness

So. I guess being a radical librarian will ruffle a few feathers. Here is what a wacko posted on Indymedia:

RNC Raids

So. The weirdness has begun in the Twin Cities. We will be blogging about our days during the RNC convention.

Twin Cities Collective

Get Ready For The RNC!

UPDATE: Here's the wiki with all the info!

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