Thousand Kites

A community radio/arts project raising awareness and providing service to prisoners.

Getting Alternative Materials into Library Collections

Laura's post on the talk at Thinking Ahead reminded me of a question that I was asked by two (or more?) people at the recent Grassroots Media Conference in NYC, where I was Radical Reference liason.

Radical Reference Discussion at Thinking Ahead 2008

As I noted in my last post, I lead a discussion section at Thinking Ahead, a small conference at the Sal

QUESTION: termination

question / pregunta: 

If someone verbally gives two weeks notice, can I ask them to leave earlier than the two weeks if I feel they are causing problems for my other staff?

QUESTION: income tax

question / pregunta: 

I am married but living separate, no children, no legal separation, Can i claim head of household on my income tax

QUESTION: Natural Building Books in NYC

question / pregunta: 

My partner and I are interested in natural building using cob, straw bales, and other techniques. We are trying to find a good collection of books on sustainable and alternative building methods that we could browse through and where, ideally, we would be able to borrow books. Is there a library or other resource in NYC for this kind of stuff? And are there are any places that offer workshops on these techniques here or nearby?

Thanks in advance for your help!

QUESTION: Political Science Text Recommendations

question / pregunta: 

What essential reading material (text books) are recommended for political science, history, chicano studies, and economics for college undergrads??

ADDITIONAL INFO: major texts are fine, as well as nonfiction, and I'd love to hear from radical perspectives (preferrably from the most respected and lucid radical authorities of said subjects). By History, I mean the history of the U.S.. I'd say Political science, history, and Chicano studies are my top priorities.


QUESTION: finding a case against Arkansas prison & Correctional Medical Services about shackling prisoners in labor

question / pregunta: 

In 2003, Shawanna Nelson, a pregnant prisoner in Arkansas, went into labor and gave birth while shackled. She filed a lawsuit against prison officials and Correctional Medical Services to abolish the practice of shackling women while they are in labor. Supposedly, the Arkansas department of corrections compromised and is now using nylon restraints on laboring prisoners instead of metal shackles and an 18-inch chain.

Where would I find the name of the lawsuit she filed and how far it got in the court system before it was dropped/settled?


It's Drupal BarCamp time, once again in NYC.

March 29 & 30, 2008
Polytechnic University
Six MetroTech Center, BKNY
FREE + last year they gave you lunch and a t-shirt

QUESTION: Czech Anarchists, Iranian Anarchism

question / pregunta: 

I am trying to locate any information on two Czech anarchists: Michal Mares and Michal Kacha, as well as any information on anarchism in Iran.

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