While the recent attacks on Gaza should come as no surprise to people who have followed just the last year's events of Israel denying food and medicine into the region, they are still horrifying and s
colonialism |
This question appears to call for the use of some academic databases and journals, most of which will need to be used on-site at a major academic or research library unless you have remote access via student or staff login. The search: indigenous liberation gets 1 article in Academic Search Premier. Ebsco searches phrases by default, so you don’t need to use quotes. Indigenous AND liberation gets 143 hits, 84 if you then click the "Academic Journals" link. You can use the "Refine Search" tab in Advanced Search to limit to full text, but that means just the full text available via Ebsco. Many large libraries have SFX or other "Link resolvers" to get you to other full text providers that they also subscribe to. Note also that Academic Search includes cited references in some of its articles. The one article found by the phrase "indigenous liberation" has 27 cited references, which help you find other potentially useful articles. Also, if you change the "select a field" to TX all Text, indigenous liberation gets 22 hits, and indigenous ideolog* gets 61. These are all fairly small lists, and I would be tempted not to add more search terms. If you choose a word that means the same thing, but is different from what is in the database, you risk missing useful articles. But it’s often a judgment call: TX indigenous ideolog* AND socialism gets 13 hits, for example. |
After our follow-up emails, my sense is that your question has two major concerns: how to define your approach to your research (what theoretical framework best fits your interests) and how to identify instances of colonialism that can help you explore human/non-human distinctions made during specific colonial regimes. Because you have access to academic texts, research databases, and electronic journals through your college library, I looked for resources that you might be able to access at your institution. I conducted a preliminary search using Academic Search Premier (an interdisciplinary resear ch database) and Google Scholar, since these tools retrieve results from a number of disciplines. While I didn’t find any articles that exactly address your research question, I did find articles that might be helpful when read together. I’ve included a list of article and book citations below, with content or bibliographies you can consult as you expand your search. |