I'm looking for New York City area or New Jersey activist groups focused on strengthening U.S. workers' rights, and advocating increased taxes for the rich. I'm looking for groups I can actually participate in. So far I've found plenty of organizations looking for money donations that they can spend on lobbying, or urging you to call your congressman... but none that want anybody to actually gather and discuss issues or actually DO anything.
new york city |
question / pregunta:
If you are close to New York Public Library, or a large academic library, it is well worth searching Project Muse, which gets 23 results in All Fields w/Text for "lower east side" AND music* AND countercultur*. JSTOR gets 32 hits for music* AND "lower east side" but many seem not to be full text in JSTOR itself. Many large libraries link to full text in other databases and e-journals that they subscribe to however, so it is still well worth trying that search in JSTOR even if you only want to find online journals. In RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, the search: "lower east side" gets 16 hits. Note that RILM is not a full text database; compare the Academic Search Premier full text search: TX music* n25 "lower east side" which gets 382 hits for music, musical, musicians, etc within 25 words of the phrase "lower east side". Even limiting to "scholarly/peer reviewed" journals, that search gets 32 hits. See the list of NYPL databases that can be searched on site, and ones available by remote access using a NYPL card. Jim Miller |
Here are some sources I found on the subject... Shapiro, Edward S. 2006. Crown Heights: Blacks, Jews, and the 1991 Brooklyn Riot. (You can check out the contents on Google book search) Goldschmidt, Henry. 2006. Race and Religion Among the Chosen Peoples of Crown Heights. Published by Rutgers University Press. (Also visible on Google book search) Fortis, Cherie (Producer). Fires in the mirror [videorecording] : Crown Heights, Brooklyn and other identities |
question / pregunta:
Are there any radical texts about the Crown Heights Riot in 1991? I'm particularly interested in texts written in NYC around the time that they happened, but any radical text on the subject is welcome, particularly those dealing with anti-semitism and racism vis-a-vis the riot. |
Attendance: Alycia, Jenna, Melissa G, Melissa M (facilitator) Agenda |
Radical Reference NYC presents a salon discussion on effecting change in librarianship. Sunday, September 23 at 5pm How do you launch an alternative press collection, develop a radical films series, organize a union, start a group (like Radical Reference), etc? Come hear how others have achieved their pet projects and brainstorm new ideas and ways of implementing them. |
The questioner herself identified the American Cancer Society as a group that serves women under 40. She can get a free screening/cancer exam at Elmhurst Hospital. Not the most convenient location, but... American Cancer Society: 800-227-2345 |
http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/humanrights//conferences/2007 Human Rights Archives and Documentation: Conference at Columbia University October 4-6, 2007 The conference is free; registration is required.
In case any of y'all who aren't already librarians have been thinking about a career in librarianship, here's your chance to do so with a LAURA BUSH scholarship. "St. John’s Division of Library & Information Science is funding 40 full scholarships for students interested in earning their MLS with an emphasis on engaging underserved children and their families in using public libraries, school media centers, and museums." http://dwarfurl.com/ef0f9
Copyright discussion notes, Radical Reference Salon 4/29/07 Laura Quilter conducted a discussion of copyright. We went around the table and people brought up copyright interests, concerns, and questions. A few key issues were discussed, with elaboration below: Copyright paranoia; struggles to get permissions; concerns regarding electronic reserves; contract vs. copyright law; definitions of 'good faith belief'; works-for-hire; use fees. |