Article from Today's Times states that of the 1806 arrests made at the convention 1,670 cases that have run their full course and 91 percent of those ended with the charges dismissed or with a verdict of not guilty after trial. Much of this is thanks to the large volume of video tape recordings of the incidents. One particular case was dismissed after it was discovered that the prosecutor's office had edited a tape taking out parts of an arrest that contradicted their account. Amazing! Quotes in the article from representatives of the police department are enough to make one's blood curdle. Here it is April and this is just coming out. Slow grind the wheels of justice, especially when the outcome makes justice system look so bad.
Blogs |
POETIC JUSTICE Calling ALL POETS: Turn your words to political action for Lynne Stewart, America's most persecuted and prosecuted Public Defender WHAT: A benefit of Spoken Word Poetry and other Truth Telling for Lynne Stewart. Come with a POETIC LETTER to the sentencing judge. (She faces more than 30 years!)
Here's an interesting article about broadband in Philadelphia on Wired News from Laurence Lessig (including podcast).
This was originally posted on A-librarian list by Chris Dodge. Thanks Chris, Martha Furman, Danielle Maestretti, and Sandy Berman! Homelessness and libraries have been much in the news of late. What burns me is that we'd rather ban people from reading (or even just hanging out somewhere) rather than dealing with the real problem: a society that condones and perpetuates homelessness by its inaction. *sigh* |
I just ran across this article, "10 steps to more democratic media" by Jeffrey Chester and Gary O. Larson in the Spring 2005 issue of "Yes!". It's important to know what is needed as the Telecommunications Act of 1996 comes up for review this year.
Media EmergenC, hosted by SDIMC and SD RadioActive, was held Oct 6-9, 2004 in San Diego concurrently with the National Association of Broadcasters annual radio road show. Here's an overview, images and audio of the events. Lotus at SDIMC has recently written a very cogent analysis of the event and of indymedia in general in the hope of creating critical dialogue within the indymedia movement. Please read and forward to interested folks. oznog
Democratic senators Durbin, Kennedy, Kerry, Lautenberg and Reid issued a letter Friday to President Bush calling for a full and transparent investigation into the discredited White House reporter writing under the pseudonym Jeff Gannon. The letter is reproduced on the Raw Story blog.
"Unconstitutional: The War on Our Civil Liberties" - film showing On Wednesday March 2, 2005 to mark the Massachusetts Bill of Rights Day sixty-six years after the Massachusetts state legislature finally ratified the Bill of Rights on March 2, 1939 the ACLU of Massachusetts is sponsoring a mass screening of the Robert Greenwald film "Unconstitutional: the War on Our Civil Liberties." Boston Radical Reference with ACLU of Massachusetts has organized a showing on Wednesday, March 2, from 6 to 8pm at Honan-Allston Public Library, 300 North Harvard Street, Allston. John Bookston (ACLU of Massachusetts' Civil Liberties Task Force) will lead a discussion following the film. Call 617-787-6313 for directions and email radrefboston [at] with any other questions.
Today Radical Reference presented a fact-checking workshop at the Indymedia conference at the campus at the University of Texas at Austin. Jeanine Finn and Donna Terpack-Palter presented the fact-checking workshop originally created by Jenna for the NYC meeting. Caroline Muglia was also in from New York and helped answer questions about Radical Reference. |
What's going on here? AL state legislature recently introduced a bill to ban homosexual materials from public libraries. |