I need to find some basic statistics on the number of foster care youth aging out of the foster care system in counties in California. I think there are state-wide figures available, but I really would like to be able say that "x number of kids age out of foster care in Los Angeles county. This represents y of California's total population of such foster care kids, which total z." In other words, I need to know x, y, and z.
Thank you!
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I hope folks won't perceive this post as terribly off-topic for Radical Reference. I think understanding and confronting one's own racism is essential work for all activists, regardless of the primary missions of their various projects. |
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I'm working on an article about a company District Energy, which is a non-profit that also operates a for-profit energy company called Market Street Energy. How common is the practice of non-profits owning for-profit businesses? How is it done legally? Can the money generated go directly back into the non-profit? Do these for-profit companies operate under any of the restrictions that apply to nonprofits, or are they regulated the same as any other corporation? Any info would be much appreciated. |
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I'm looking for a specific source that my library database doesn't have a subscription far enough back to obtain, the source is: please let me know if you have access to this, thanks -bryan
Radical Reference and InterActivist Network have agreed to collaborate on monthly Sunday afternoon skillshares. They are meant to share skills and knowledge among librarians and technology workers and will generally be targeted to participants with intermediate to advanced experience in librarianship or computer technology, depending on the topic. |
As an outgrowth of the ALA GODORT 50-State Agency Database Registry, I have created a page listing databases for locating state prisoners. If you know people trying to find friends and loved ones, please direct them to this page. |
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i need help finding ruy maldo marini's work in english, via internet or hard copy...im currently just outside of sao paulo, and might be able to get access to local university libraries...i need, most ideally, "los fundamentos de la dependencia. el ciclo del capital en la economia industrial" in english. also, any work by andre gunder frank in english would be super helpful as well, or other authors that follow the latin-american marxist line of dependence theory...im researching the concept of interdependency of capitalism...o, sea, que no es solo dependencia de la periferia en el centro, pero el centro no puede existir en la manera en que se existe sin la explotacion de la periferia...i would like to examine the manifestation of this tendency in the US, as in, look at the thoeries and apply them to the realities of worker exploitation in certain sectors of the US, such as migrant farm labor, if possible. that is my hypothesis, more or less, anyways. bascially, im killing myself trying to translate this stuff from spanish to english and understand it, and so any articles or books translated already would be dope right about now...if there are books, and someone can send me an ISBN i might be able to find it somewhere here or order it...articles i can probaly get with a title and author, if a link isnt available... THANK YOUUUUU!!! |
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i live in the district of columbia and i just got fired from my job in alexandria, va. the reasons given were "poor performance and too many missed days of work." my health has been causing me to miss quite a few days of work, and i had spoken with management about it, made up hours, and provided documentation of my various doctor visits. this last friday i was told by my new doctor that i must take a week off to recover and she provided a note. i emailed this to my boss and on tuesday she left a voicemail saying i was fired.
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[Note: I'm submitting this question on behalf of an attendee of the Mid Atlantic Radical Bookfair. I have ideas about how to answer it but it's been a while since I've done legal searching and I know there are experts out there! Contact me with questions and I'll forward them to the asker.] How many states presently have "hate crime" statutes? Of these, how many cover verbal forms of aggression (e.g., name calling)? |